The Blooming Factor in May, EVERY Month!

Blooming is defined as an unfolding, a way of thriving, exhibiting health, vigor and growth. Well folks I try to bloom every day of my life … It is true not always to the extent I hoped for on a given day but always no matter the circumstances I make it my no other way to live — a determination, commitment to in some way, whatever way possible to bloom. I wish for all people, those of good character and yes the others too a path forward with the understanding that to bloom, to change, to grow is not only always possible but equally always really and truly necessary!

Teréza Eliasz-Solomon. 1st May 2024.

I Say This — Do For You!

There is no other way … It is the same as the instructions on a plane, one must put on their oxygen mask first!
Teréza Eliasz-Solomon. April 2024.

Importance of The Eclipse!

Yes of course an eclipse in astronomical terms is simply when one object such as a moon or a planet moves into the shadow of another one … Two types being lunar and solar.

There is more than these scientific facts to consider when an eclipse occurs. One thought that without question for us all to think about is how little control any person or group of people or nations have over the Universe — the very existence of all that has happened before we humans existed and all that will continue to happen after each of our individual time here is over. The planets, the sun, the whole magnificent thing is not ours to own but instead we are only a small part of this larger and vast creation that we have the privilege to dwell within.

As a metaphor an eclipse promotes a feeling of the unity we humans can experience and the happiness gained through the knowledge of that awesome awareness—a wonderful feeling it truly is to find ourselves in a place of awe!

Teréza Eliasz-Solomon. 8 April 2024.

Yes I Can Do It ALL, Sort of!

Here is the message — No I am not naturally talented in all areas, No I am not an expert in every task and No not completely skilled in all my endeavors … However what I am, what is most important is I am able and very willing to learn, to be humble enough to ask for help, wise enough to seek out valuable information and be vigilant in studying lessons needed to improve my mind and any, all tasks I am doing or wanting to do.

Today it was a rather mundane thing, sewing a small hole in a very expensive Spring sweater top I decided to wear today … other days it is, very often a professional part of my work and new, exciting projects — all of it the same for it is my understanding of what I don’t know that leads me to having a bigger life, one full of the joy of work, playing musical instruments, preparing healthy meals, participating in sport activities and being able to say I live life fully!

Teréza Eliasz-Solomon. April 2024.

Open Mind or Too Open?

Something to think about … Are these times when ALL ideas are presented as valid no matter the evidence to the contrary are we not meant to discuss, really think and not just accept as true everything someone or many of those someones tell us we must. Is it that we are to be and continue to be open minded when considering all premises? No worries dear readers if you are now and again accused of being either narrow minded or prejudice when rejecting a claim of supposed fact. The reason is and this really matters – you can be your own best advisor if and only if you do due diligence in deciding what is happening, what is truly true and what is only a momentary hyperbole being put forward as the narrative du jour or in other words the popular thought of the day!

Teréza Eliasz-Solomon. April 2024.